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Tips for Hiking and Camping in the Summer

Tips for Hiking and Camping in the Summer

Summer is for adventures! The warmer weather makes it easy to find great camping and hiking spots that are more accessible outside of winter. But rising temperatures can still turn dangerous if you’re not prepared or careful while on your adventure. Alpha Pak is here to give you some quick tips to keep yourself safe while hiking and camping during the summer.

Watch the Weather

Always check the weather before you leave for a trip. Prepare yourself accordingly with weather appropriate clothing and gear, and be aware of how temperatures may change while you’re outside. Bring a weather radio along with you if you are camping in a spot without reliable reception. Some climates may be prone to summer storms, so understanding the terrain you’re in is key.

Earlier Hikes Will Save

With less sun and lower temperatures, morning hikes might be the best way to go. Commit to getting an earlier start so your hike can be more comfortable. Not only will this keep you comfortable and lower the risk of sunburn, but your dog will be safer as well.

Gear Up For the Weather

Having the correct gear for your hiking or camping trip is vital. For hot weather, consider bringing light and sweat-wicking clothing that will keep you cool. A portable fan or cooling towel might be helpful for both you and your dog. Sunscreen and sunglasses are a must, even in shaded places, as it will reduce your sunburn risk (your dog might need these things too as they can get sunburned!). If the terrain you will encounter is especially rocky or tough, invest in a pair of dog booties and salve to protect your pup’s paws. If you’re camping, think about what will keep you and your dog cool while you sleep, or if the weather will be colder at night.

Water, Water, Water

Sweating and hot weather will deplete your hydration levels. Bring plenty of water and take breaks when you are thirsty or need rest. Be sure to drink water consistently throughout the day. If you are already thirsty, you have not had enough water. Monitor signs of dehydration in yourself and your dog. Safety is more important than finishing a hike!

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